
Consept Of Subnetting Networks

Subnetting is actually what should be done and why? This question can be answered by the analogy of a road. Gatot Subroto street name consists of several houses numbered 01-08, with house number 08 is the home of Chairman of the RT which has a duty to announce any information to all homes in the area of ​​Gatot Subroto street.

When the house in the area more and more, of course, raises the possibility of clutter and congestion. That's why the settings were then held again, made ​​the alleyways, the house that went into the alley given the number of new homes, each alley there RTnya its own chairman. So this will solve the congestion, efiesiensi and optimization of transportation, and each gang has its own previledge in managing its territory. Be the first images of new areas such as below:

Concept as it is in fact the concept of subnetting. On one side wanted to simplify management, such as an office want to divide the work into three divisions with each division having 15 computer (host). On the other hand also for the optimization and efficiency of the network, because the traffic is not concentrated in one large network, but is divided into several segments of the alley. The first analogy Gatot Subroto Street with houses around it can be applied to such networks is the network address (street name) and the host address (house number). Meanwhile, Chairman of the RT played by Broadcast Address (, in charge of sending a message to all hosts on the network.

Still following the path above analogy, we apply the subnetting the network is as shown below. Gang is the subnet, each subnet has the host address and broadcast address.

So what is the subnet mask? Subnetmask is used to read how we divide the street and alley, or a network share and hostnya. Any address that serves as a subnet, where the host and which are broadcast. All that we can know from the subnet masknya. Jl Gatot Subroto without alley that I show in the beginning can be understood as using the default subnet mask, or in other words that could be called the Network does not have a subnet (without the Gang Street). default subnet mask for each Class Ip Address is as follows:


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| February 20, 2012 | 0 Komentar

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